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North Fork Wild Conservation Park

When is the last time a natural space affected you to the point that you discovered you were whispering instead of talking?  How about when you last wriggled your toes in soft white sand while a glacier-fed river slid by? Or marvelled at the colour spectrum of mushrooms while lounging on a moss-carpeted forest floor?  These experiences and more await the explorers of this space, a park that would not be if not for one man's vision: Peter Jennings.

All photo credits to Selina Metcalfe.

North Fork Wild Conservation Park: A 51-acre gift from Peter Jennings that offers a unique blend of various natural landscapes, awe-inspiring wonders and a chance for your senses to connect to a wild space.  


Thoughtful trails wind their way through old-growth Hemlock, along the fast-flowing Perry River and over rocks and moss.  Along the way you'll see how the Shuswap Trail Alliance skillfully kept alive Peter's rustic trail creations from his 40 years living on the property.  More information available here.

North Fork Wild should be visited in any season, though you'll need your snowshoes throughout winter.  Make sure to read the plaque dedicated to Peter adjacent to the parking lot, and ponder the generosity of his gift to all the lucky explorers of this wild and beautiful space.  We hope to see you on the trails!

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